On Sunday, actress Sawajiri Erika and her husband, media-creator Takashiro Tsuyoshi departed from Tokyo's Narita Airport to fly to New York. Takashiro's close friend, fashion designer Marc Jacobs (head designer for the brand 'Marc Jacobs' and creative director for 'Louis Vuitton') is having a fashion show on Monday (American time) and the two plan to attend it. The couple also have been wearing sunglasses by Marc Jacobs that day.
The rest was the usual image, Erika remained silent to any questions and Takashiro smiled his way through the press corps. He clearly must be in a happy mood all the time, but can we blame him? After the show Erika will go to Spain to study graphic design while Takashiro will fly to London for his work.
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This entry was posted
on Sunday, February 15, 2009
and is filed under
Sawajiri Erika
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