Kitagawa Keiko's Blog 2009-03-08  

Posted by: Pori in ,

Louvre Exhibition

I haven't updated the blog in a little while.
Lately I'm busy practicing every day as the filming
for the next movie is steadily approaching.

A few days ago I went to the National Western Art Museum in Ueno after training! There are paintings from the Louvre Museum since the end of last month. I absolutely wanted to see it before I have to leave for the movie and I'm glad that I was able to go. The practice ended at noon and then was my chance. Unfortunately it rained throughout the whole day, but I still went. Thanks to the rain it wasn't crowded at all and I was really able to enjoy the art.

There have been a lot of pictures from Europe during the 17th century, my favorite era. Disputes, religion, commerce...
You are able to see the way of the world at that time and read the painters mind through their paintings. When looking at the paintings from the time of Louis XIV of France and imagining that at the same time Japan was still in its Tokugawa shogunate with total national isolation, it's somehow a strange feeling. If Japan kept on isolating itself from the world forever, I would have never been able to see this painting.
I'm glad that's not the case.

Last winter I went to the same museum for the Vermeer Exhibition, but unfortunately they didn't bring Vermeer's "The Lacemaker" painting to Japan. This time it's here and I'm very happy that I was able to see it.

It's miraculous how you are now able to see and appreciate all those paintings from 3 or 4 different centuries at one place like here in Ueno, Japan and how they will probably continue be appreciated by many more people in many more different places for many more centuries. It would be great, if I could see the same picture again at a different place someday~.
(^The picture above is the rainy Ueno.)

It's a sudden topic change, but let me introduce to you the things I recently bought. I checked an exhibtion of my favorite brand DIESEL and focused on the spring collection only.
A T-shirt, a cap and a pair of sneakers.
I fell in love with the silver sneakers right at the moment I saw them.
I combine the sneakers with roll-up denim pants.

A PR person from DIESEL gave me those sunglasses as a present.
They are unisex glasses and look really cool.
Recently I've been alternating between them and my Ray Ban sunglasses only!

Well, yeah. I really only spend my money on fashion.
Especially shoes, I can't get enough of them. Seeing my entranceway, people usually ask me "how many family members do you have?"

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Please don't post this translation anywhere else!

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