A celebrity bento ranking  

Posted by: Pori in , , , , , , ,

Concierge's new marriage partner finding service "Partner Agent" did a survey on their site, asking about 460 unmarried men and women in their 30's about, "Which male/female celebrity would you like to receive a bento (lunch box) from?"

Ueto Aya and Nagasawa Masami have to share the first place in the female category, followed by Yasu Megumi on 3rd and Yuuka on the 4th place. The 5th place is a tie between Becky, Kanno Miho, Nakama Yukie and Fujiwara Norika. SMAP's Kimura Takuya took the first place in the males category, followed by Gucchi Yuuzou, Tamori, Kimura Yuuichi and Unemiya Tatsuo.

The female ranking is heavily influenced by their exposure and talents they show on various TV programs. There are reasons like, "She's good at cooking", "She has a lot of ideas when it comes to cooking" or "She cooks deliciously". The male celebrities have it much easier, with the majority of reasons being simple things like, "He's cute", "I love him" or "I'm a fan".

The result they get from this survey is that women rather seek a man for romance while men are a bit more realistic in their coices.

Written by: jyoyu.blogspot.com / Source: Sanspo
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