Kitano Kie's Blog  

Posted by: Pori in ,

The lost child Kie

That's me yesterday, just about to leave with my favorite bag, or rather my favorite rucksack and my favorite parka ♪

Yesterday it was warm like summer ★
Kitano walked a lot.
I marched along the garden city line ε=ε=┏( ・_・)┛

Walking alone (∵)

You really sweat a lot under headphones on such a hot day (*□*;)

So yesterday, I thought about something while walking.

When it turns dark, the streets rea~lly become different.

I've only walked through the streets when it was bright, especially Tokyo becomes different with all its electric lights!

Kitano marched in sync with the rhythm for I don't know how many hours and it started to feel strange when it became dark, even though you should have no problems walking in the evening when you are already 18, but when it then turned pitch black around 21:30, the streets completely changed. I couldn't even tell the way back to the station anymore and there was nobody to ask either (・_・;)

After 20 minutes of aimless walking, I finally saw the station and some people again, quite a relief.

I was filled with anxiety I didn't felt since I had to come to Tokyo with the train all by myself for my first work during my 2nd year in junior high school (+Σ+;)

Tokyo is still an unknown place to me ↓↓↓

Anyway, at least it's certain that the earth is round!!!

You can be sure to arrive somewhere as long as you keep on going straight on.

That's me, the 18-years-old child Kitano who still thinks about such stuff.

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Please don't post this translation anywhere else!

This entry was posted on Sunday, April 12, 2009 and is filed under , . You can leave a response and follow any responses to this entry through the Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom) .


Haha, cute. Thanks for the trans.

Kii is just awesome. It's great to get a glimpse into her mind like that.

Thanks, HP!

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