Oricon Shining Girls Vol.01  

Posted by: Pori in ,

In the focus of attention.
Shining girls you can't get out of your head!

We completely dissect all the brightly shining girls from the movies, doramas or commercials who stick in your head and make you think, "Who is that girl!?" From their first love to their ideal type of man, we'll approach and ask them about all the interesting details.

Vol. 01 - Kawaguchi Haruna

This time it will be about Kawaguchi Haruna (14) who is currently working as a model for "seventeen". She has recently been appointed for the commercials of "Mitsui ReHouse" and "Pokari Sweat" which gave her the title of the next "commercial queen". Let's approach this beautiful young girl Haruna who is expected to flourish from this spring on!

The road to her debut
"I really didn't think that I would pass!"

I'm living in Nagasaki. The sea is really pretty and once in a while we would go out fishing with a boat. We usually spend most of the time in karaoke (laughs). However, I could also spend a whole day just talking with my friends. It was fun like that every day and I didn't have any intentions of entering the world of show business, but then one friend recommended me to go to the model audition for "nicola" and I passed.
I was completely nervous during the first photo shooting. It was as if everyone else was smiling in the magazine, except for me who was nothing but stiff (laughs). For about 1 year I closely watched the photo shootings of my seniors and learned a lot of things by watching them. I finally got more used to the whole thing.
During the auditions for the commercials of "Mitsui Rehouse" and "Pokari Sweat" we had to go through an interview and show some simple acting, but I again was so nervous that don't even remember what I did. I was really surprised when I suddenly got a call from my agency and they told me that I passed! "Eh? Damn!" I answered (laughs). My feelings were a mix of happiness and "Will I be okay?"-like anxiety. However, I then imagined how my friends and family would see me on TV in those commercial and really started to like that idea.

Haruna the star
"Humming and soccer, there were a lot of new experiences!"

All I could think about during the filming for the "Rehouse" commercial is not to ruin the image of the "Rehouse Girl". It's a calm and gentle girl, right? But I'm the total opposite. I'm more the type who runs around at school and you would call, "She's vigorous, isn't she?" (laughs), but I tried my best.
When shooting a commercial you have to be careful about much more things than during a photo shooting for a magazine. It would be awkward to make an odd sound out of negligence, and other things like that (laughs). There is this scene where I'm humming. I got the tune beforehand and recorded it on my mobile phone to help me remembering it, they've even played it in between the actual filming, but in front of the camera it simply didn't want to come out of my mouth. That's also different from magazine shootings, there are much more people around you which makes you so nervous that your mouth is starting to tremble. The director kept on saying "You'll be alright" throughout the whole filming and I eventually was able to sing in the middle of recording.
I also had to practice for the soccer scene in the "Pokari Sweat" commercial. I was in the badminto club, you know. Sometimes we played soccer during PE, but I always was the keeper and never kicked a ball. Even my first try at passing the ball looked really funny. It got a little better when a very skillfull senior high school girl taught me not to shoot with the tip-toe but the instep.
Also, in order to make a realistic facial expression after drinking and saying, "Aah! So good!", I ran together with the extras prior to the filming, so that my body would be really tired. I'm a junior high school student, so I was a bit anxious when talking with the high school students there, but they've all been very kind. It was a lot of fun.

What does Haruna have on her mind?!

--- What was the greatest mistake you did so far?

I fell when I tried to stand on my tiptoes ontop of the pillar of my bunk bed and broke my elbow (laughs). I wanted to show my friends how I can stand on that ball-shaped spot (?) in front of the 4 pillars. Usually I can stand on it and it looked like it would go well this time as well, but then I suddenly fell. We went to the hospital and it was so painful that I started to cry. I had to be hospitalized for about 2 weeks and even now my friends tell me, "That was really dumb back then." (laughs)

--- When was your first love?

In kindergarten. He was the tallest of all boys in the kindergarten. In about 60% of all my photos from my time in kindergarten I can be seen together with him. I guess I probably went close to him by myself. He was a very reluctant child, but I often asked him to play with me (laughs). Of course I didn't really think about it, since I was still too young at the time. Now it's pretty much impossible for me to call out to someone like that (laughs).

--- What kind of man do you like?

An interesting person! Someone that can make me laugh. And we have to like the same food. I want to eat my favorite food and then be able to say together, "It's delicious!" So I guess a person without any certain likes and dislikes would be great. I already have enough likes and dislikes for both of us (laughs). I love dried plums, so a person who doesn't like them would already not stand a chance (laughs).


Best 3 - Happy things you like to hear from others
01 - Thank you
02 - It's fun to be together with you
03 - You are really mindful

When somebody tells you "Thank you", then you are "really glad that you did it". Recently I made stew for my older sister and she gave me a thank you, even though I made a few mistakes. I put in Japanese pepper and mustard (laughs). It also makes me happy when my friends can be at ease around me and I often try to pay to attention to other people, like when they want to sleep and so on.

Best 3 - The things on your mind and why
01 - Soccer
02 - Musical
03 - Character goods from this place

Playing soccer was so much fun during the filming of the "Pokari Sweat" CM that I even think about starting a soccer club at our school. When I watched the "Lion King" musical, it was so touching that I cried from the beginning to the end (laughs). I also collect a lot of character goods like the Hello Kitty strap and key chain that's only available in Kyushu.

Best 3 - Your favorite comedians
01 - HikingWalking
03 - Abekouji

I love the HikingWalking from the olden days. Q-chan (Suzuki Q-Taro of HikingWalking) is funny. I can also tell from his face that he must be a very nice person. FUJIWARA-san's jokes are very briskly and I like how they always end with a bang. Abe-san's jokes are funny too and I love his character and way of talking.

Haruna's Choice

--- What would be the one thing you would want to bring with you to an unpopulated island?

Answer: Knife
I can use it to eat a caught fish. There wouldn't be a rod on an unpopulated island, so I'd had to catch them with my bare hands! There are no paths either and I imagine that there would be a lot of ropes which makes it difficult to walk. You could use that knife to cut those ropes, too.

--- What would you want for your last supper?

Answer: Rice ball
I've been loving rice since junior high school. Usually I never really ate cooked rice before, but now I can't go to school without it anymore (laughs). That's why I would want nothing more than a rice ball during my final moments. Filled with dried plums, of course! Rice with dried plums, candy with plum flavor, I simply love plums.

--- Would you like to be born again as a man or a woman?

Answer: Woman
Women are more fashionable after all, I guess. Even now I'm already wearing many different dresses. It takes a lot of time to choose clothes when you have to take care about finding matching tops and bottoms. It's much easier for a dress, because it's only 1 piece and you can select it right away (laughs), that's why I like to wear dresses.

--- At what age would you like to get married?

Answer: 23
My manager is a woman too and she's 23 years old. Spend some time together for about a year and experience various things to become an adult, and then get married (laughs). 20 would a bit too early and 25 a bit too late. That's why I think 23 would be the perfect age in the middle.

Written by: jyoyu.blogspot.com / Source: Oricon
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This entry was posted on Sunday, April 12, 2009 and is filed under , . You can leave a response and follow any responses to this entry through the Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom) .


I was about to ask for this translation, but I desisted.....
thanks for sharing this!

You can always ask/request for something, because it can happen that I simply don't notice an article or column. ^^

Woo~, thanks! She looks like one to keep an eye out for.

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