Kitagawa Keiko's Blog 2009-03-10  

Posted by: Pori in ,

shouldn't forget "rebellious spirit"

Unfortunately we lost in the WBC yesterday.
That sucks...! Why? Why did Japan loose?
I've been really down today, since I'm such a baseball fan.
Sure, simply seeing baseball player Ichiro on TV would be enough to satisfy me, but it still sucks!

I'm from Kobe and I've been a big fan of him ever since he was a member of Orix.
In my opinion he's a living national treasure.
By the way, I've been a fan of the Tokyo Giants among the Japanese teams from the cradle. I never missed a match of Matsui or Kiyohara.
What's more exciting than ending the 9th inning with a sudden walk-off home run?
Cheers to whoever invented baseball as a sport.

Today I have to write about one sad and one happy thing.

First the sad thing...
A few days ago, my sword fight teacher pointed out the following after practice.
"Today I couldn't see any tension in your movements at all, because you grew too accustomed to them. There was no variation like you had before. The kata for this technique depends on that. Last month you've been a lot better at this."
I was completely shocked.

Every day I practiced for 1-2 hours by watching a recording of my own training and I studied all the videos of my trainer in order to make some progress...
Who could have thought that I'm actually becoming worse.
I've really been careless that day and foolishly I jammed my left little finger and my right thumb. That injury caused me to do a lot of mistakes, but it wasn't so bad that I would loose my feeling and attentiveness. However, when I watch my performance from that day I definitely have to agree with him, I completely lacked my fighting spirit.

I know the best what's the cause of this.
It's my own laziness and carelessness. I hate myself for that.
I always completely sag before a filming.
One thing I had the most about myself and up to now I always tried not do is "idling". As soon as I grow accustomed to something, I slack off and become negligent so much that I can be completely irritated. When that happens I return to my initial resolution and study in my very own way.
I'm really afraid of "becoming accustomed" to something. You may never forget your original intentions and work on it with a lot of patience.

To quote Shakespeare,
"These flaws are what make us human."

..if that's so, then we should just gratefully accept those flaws.
However, you should still try to defeat them.
I think that recently I'm more and more able to win over my weak and incapable self.

Now about something happy...
A few days ago I worked together with the incredible Ninagawa Mika for a magazine article!! I've always been a fan of her pictures and always wanted her to take pictures of me someday. I was so happy to be able to do that now! After the photo shooting we talked a bit and she said that also always wanted to work together with me, I can't find words to describe how happy this made me.

Ninagawa often uses flower and vivid colors in her pictures, but this time she wanted to create the image of a retrospective pinup girl and so she used funky gadgets and a background with polka dots.

The hair was done by Kuroda-san who usually works for Voce.
This time she made the hair style look a bit like that of Marilyn Monroe.
I had really bright red lips and even got a beauty spot near the mouth.
The nails were also done with a red color to match the lips.
The whole hair was wig.
I had to cut my bangs for my next role and thanks to the wig I was able to see myself with bangs after a long time again. laughs

Recently I have to wear a lot of wigs.

It's still amazing how they can look so naturally each time.
They really evolved over time, didn't they?

For this photo shooting I had to wear a lot of different outfits and a lot of different wigs (laughs), it really was a lot of fun.
Please look forward to its release.

Written by:
Please don't post this translation anywhere else!

This entry was posted on Friday, March 13, 2009 and is filed under , . You can leave a response and follow any responses to this entry through the Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom) .


Since I've first known her, she's been always like the way she is now. Modern with a bit classical... how should I say that.

She has a new point of view on everything but she has a spirite of a samurai XD.

I noticed her first in Mop Girl. I think she's really cute and I definitely like reading the blog translations. She comes across as really nice and a great pal.

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