Watch "Tokyo!" and meet Fujitani Ayako  

Posted by: Pori in , , , ,

Actress Fujitani Ayako will attend the public opening of the movie "Tokyo!" at Landmark's Nuart Theater in West Los Angeles on Friday, March 20th.

Three directors, Michel Gondry, Leos Carax and Bong Joon-ho, come together in this omnibus movie which examines the nature of the Japanese metropolis of Tokyo and how it's constantly shaped by its densely-packed population.

Fujitani stars in Michel Gondry's segment called "Interior Design" in where she finds herself transforming into a piece of furniture. She is actually the daughter of Steven Seagal, but that shouldn't keep you from checking out the movie when it opens in the US on the 20th.

Keep on reading for a detailled description of the movie and the US trailer.

In Michel Gondry's segment, "Interior Design", Hiroko (Fujitani Ayako) and her boyfriend Akira (Kase Ryo) arrive in Tokyo with very little money. Akira is a film director whose first feature film is set to debut in the city in the near future. Until then, they find temporary housing with an old school friend named Akemi (Ito Ayumi) and her boyfriend while Hiroko spends her days hunting for affordable apartments. After Akira's film screens to dubious acclaim, one of the moviegoers strikes up a conversation with Hiroko and casually mentions that relationships between two creative people often result in one of them feeling useless or ignored. Hiroko totally understands this phenomenon, and when she begins questioning her position in the relationship she goes through a surreal transformation of self-discovery.

In Léos Carax's "Merde" ("shit" in French), Denis Lavant plays a bizarre subterranean man dwelling in the Tokyo sewers who rises up from his underground lair only to steal people's cigarettes, lick horrified schoolgirls, and frighten old ladies. A media frenzy ensues, as the public can't seem to get enough of the man's salacious antics. After stumbling upon an underground cache of hand grenades, Merde begins tossing them at passersby, creating an atmosphere of sheer urban terror that the media continues to relish tremendously. A French magistrate named Maître Voland (Jean-François Balmer) soon arrives for Merde's subsquent criminal trial, claiming to be the only man who can understand his strange language. The media circus continues as Merde's new representative attempts to defend his client. The court and public both want a quick, decisive resolution, and they get one—Merde is sentenced to death. But justice takes an unexpected turn.

In Joon-ho Bong's segment, "Shaking Tokyo", Kagawa Teruyuki stars as a hikikomori (shut-in) who has not left the confines of his apartment for a decade. His only link to the outside world is his telephone, which he uses to order everything he needs—evidenced by the hundreds of pizza boxes he has meticulously stacked in his apartment. One day his routine is suddenly interrupted when a beautiful young delivery woman (Aoi Yuu) arrives with his pizza moments before an earthquake strikes, causing her to faint. As he struggles to figure out what to do, he somehow manages to fall in love with her. However, when the next pizza arrives, a different delivery person informs him that the object of his affection has since become a hikikomori herself. Working up all the courage he can muster, the man ventures out into the real world to find her. Then, at the precise moment they’re reunited, another earthquake strikes.

The English trailer:

Source: Nippon Cinema
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This entry was posted on Wednesday, March 18, 2009 and is filed under , , , , . You can leave a response and follow any responses to this entry through the Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom) .


Sounds like a really interesting film! Love Aoi Yu's outfit XD

It sure looks like this will be a very interesting and nice film to look out for. Thanks for sharing this!

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