Eikura Nana's Blog  

Posted by: Pori in ,

I'm fine!

Thank you for all your concern about me due to the lack of blog updates m(__)m
I'm fine ☆
Thank you very much m(__)m
To all of you m(__)m

I spent every day really calmly, I did nothing but the spring cleaning recently, changed and reorganized my clothes due to the seasonal change and enjoyed DVDs all day long.

I've only been doing such small things, but EiMane-san still had me update the diary.

Today work also has already ended in the morning, so I'm organizing my clothes since afternoon!

The dorama also ended and the feelings calmed down quite a lot, during such calm times I kinda feel the urge to make a complete change.

I like comfortable clothes, so I'm in the mood for that.
For a moment I lost my mind (;^_^A and wanted to get rid of all my clothes I have now (◎o◯;)
Then, when I began organizing, everything felt so valuable to me and I was only able to dispose of a few. I think I'll give those few pieces to a friend.

In the end, anything else would really be a waste \(o ̄▽ ̄o)/

Written by: jyoyu.blogspot.com
Please don't post this translation anywhere else!

m(__)m = a bow
"To all of you m(__)m" = She bows to all of us in gratitude..
"EiMane-san" = Eikura's Manager -san
She/He is the one who actually posts in the blog. Eikura sends her/him a mail with her phone and she/he then types it into the computer. Some of you probably didn't know that, so I thought like putting it in here. I'm not sure whether her manager is male or female, though. ^^;

This entry was posted on Thursday, April 16, 2009 and is filed under , . You can leave a response and follow any responses to this entry through the Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom) .


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