Kitano Kie's Blog  

Posted by: Pori in ,

Mr. Children concert

Just now my manager and I arrived at the concert hall of Mr.Children (≧ε≦)

I sooo can't wait (^_^)v

Watched the concert


The 2.5 hours passed by in a blink of time, there have been soooo many people, some even watched the performance while standing, it really felt like a rock concert this time (≧∇≦)

Ah~ Anyway, it was so much fun!!!!

Kobayashi-san also did amazingly great on the piano \(^ー^)/

Once everyone in the hall sang tune for tune together with Sakurai's singing.

At first it was a bit chilly in the concert hall, but the enthusiasm of all the people and Mr.Children really warmed it up, I even ended up sweating a lot (・o・)

Yokohama Arena

Mr. Children

Including 2009, it's their 20th anniversary since their debut o(^□^)o

To be invited to the concert in the Yokohama Arena by Mr. Children in such a great year, truly thank you very much (o^∀^o)

Mr. Children's concerts are the best!!!

If you already like their CDs, then you should definitely go and watch them live!!

It looks like you still have chances to see them in Saitama etc ( ̄∀ ̄)

Post it here in the comments, if you liked it. That would make me very happy (`∇´ゞ

Civilian clothes

Where did you buy those clothes you've been wearing yesterday!? - I received a lot of such questions and so I'll answer them _(._.)_

I bought those western-style clothes at Ji.maxx ☆★

I often go to Ji.maxx ( ̄∀ ̄)

Somehow western-style clothes for girls focus too much on the bottom, so I always only buy more boyish clothes ♪

So yesterday I put on together my favorite skinny clothes from 3 or 4 years ago (^▽^*)

Ji.maxx is probably also in 109 in Tokyo (●^▽^●)

Western-style clothes, especially this knitted one-piece outfit together with the big hearts also help to increase the presence of people who aren't really that tall just like me!!

I recommend you to rotate between a lot of clothes until you find the outfit that suits you the best (^▽^)v

The weather is so nice~

I love spring!!!★+゜

You might get sunburned on such a fine day like today, but I still feel like working outside ♪+゜

Kitano, you will now have to go to the post-recording of your movie that's coming out next year.

Ah~ that sucks!!Σ(*□*;)

It's indoors |( ̄3 ̄)|

Well then, I'm off ε=ε=┏( ・_・)┛

Your fingernails can become up to 2m long throughout your whole life (゜□゜)!!+゜*

Hello ☆★

It's Kitano with a ponytail today ♪

Looks kinda good~

That light pink thing with the black hearts on my head is a present from a fan, it's my favorite! (b^ー°)

Thank you very much!! (>▽<*)

Today it really smells like spring o(^-^)o

The moment I went outside, I got remembered of my time in junior high school.

It kinda made me happy how the train station ticket window was packed with students and their mothers who went there to buy a fixed-term commutation pass.

The rather big uniform, the shiny leather shoes and the student bag.

They are all shining so much...

It really feels different from the time when I entered junior high school.

It's a strange feeling, when you are not a student anymore.

At noon it might be warm, but it grows cold towards the evening, so please take care not to catch a cold (∵)!!

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This entry was posted on Tuesday, April 07, 2009 and is filed under , . You can leave a response and follow any responses to this entry through the Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom) .


Ah, Kii's blog is great! Thanks for translating these!

Thank you for the translations!

I never realize how beautiful her side profile is.

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